Compass Visual Security offer Room Integrity Testing to ensure compliance! What is a Room Integrity Test (RIT)? A Room Integrity Test is a door fan test that is used to measure the air tightness and air leakage rate. Of...
Energy storage systems have rapidly become the focus point of global development. Numerous new energy companies, along with high-tech companies, are actively growing their energy storage business. Various policies are in discussion in terms of energy conservation, storage, and...
Many companies have pulled away from manufacturing fire suppression systems using halon, based on the environmental impact and many companies that require fire suppression systems have been looking for an eco-friendly system. This creating a need for an alternate...
Gas detection systems identify the presence of unhealthy/harmful gases within or outside a building. These gases could be flammable and result in a deadly fire in the event of an accident or may be toxic to humans. An interfaced...
Inergen IG-541 Suppression The benefit of a pre-engineered Inergen fire suppression system is that there is no need to run pipe work within the area. This is because the Inergen 541 fire suppression agent is released from the specially...